Butler News - 1/22/25

Good Afternoon Families! January 22, 2025


Butler students have done an amazing job in learning the SOAR expectations, they demonstrate Self Control, are Organized, show a positive Attitude and are Respectful.


Updated IC Information

Please check your contact information in Infinite Campus and ensure it is up to date.  Every student should have a minimum of 1 emergency contact other than a parent/guardian.  We use this information to contact families for emergencies and to share important school/district announcements.  If you need assistance please contact the main office.


Wednesday Folders

Your student should be coming home every Wednesday with a blue folder.  This folder is our way to send home communication from the school and the community.  Please check this folder on a weekly basis.  These folders should be returned weekly to the classroom teacher.


Class Dojo

Every classroom teacher has created a Class Dojo and has a specific link for parents to connect with.  Please take a minute to connect with your student’s classroom teacher via Class Dojo.  We also use this to share school wide announcements and information specifically for our Butler families.


Lunch Visitors

We know lunch is a great time to connect with your students.  If you plan to eat lunch with your student, plan to eat lunch with your student only.  This is a time when visitors are able to eat lunch with their students.  Friends should remain at their classroom table and eat school/home lunch.  Tables are provided for a separate eating space for guests and their students during lunch time.  Visitors are expected to follow policy KI, they must have a photo ID and report to the main office.  


Outside Temperatures
We use the Child Care Weather Watch to guide our discussion to send students outside for recess.  This guidance considers temperatures and wind-chills.  Generally speaking, if the temperatures feel like 30 degrees or higher students will go outside for recess.  Please send your child to school with proper outdoor clothing.


Bully Prevention

Every student at Butler elementary receives PATH during the first 30 minutes of the day.  This program is designed for  students to learn a wide variety of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, such as increasing self-control and building an extensive vocabulary for empathy.  This time is also dedicated to teach specific strategies with conflict resolution and any other bully prevention needs that arise.  If you have specific questions about Weld Re-8’s policies and processes on Bully Prevention please visit the WeldRe8 webpage. Please click on this link to access the Bully Prevention page on the Weld Re-8 Webpage.


It is a privilege and honor to have your student at Butler Elementary.  We look forward to the opportunities we get to teach our students everyday.  If at any time you have questions or concerns please reach out to your student’s classroom teacher, the main office or building administrators.