Good Afternoon Families! March 5, 2025
Thank you for your continued support and trust with your students. We are grateful for each day and opportunity we get to make a positive difference.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Our school goal is to have 100% of our families engage in Parent Teacher Conferences. Please help us in reaching our goal by signing up for a time to connect with your child’s teacher on Wednesday, March 12 from 4-8pm or Thursday, March 13th from 8am-8pm. We look forward to sharing the growth and progress of your student with you.
If you would like to contribute to feeding our Butler Staff dinners for Wednesday or Thursday night of conferences please reach out to the main office before Monday, March 10th. We believe food makes a difference and are open to families sharing some of their favorite foods, treats or drinks with our staff.
Spring Break and other Dates
Mark your calendars, students DO NOT have school on Thursday, March 13th through Friday, March 28th.
School resumes on Monday, March 24, 2025. Be safe and enjoy the time with your students.
Lunch Visitors and Food
We know lunch is a great time to connect with your students. If you plan to eat with your student, plan to eat lunch with your student only. This is a time when visitors are able to eat lunch with their student. Food should only be served or provided for your student only. Visitors are expected to follow policy KI, they must have a photo ID and report to the main office.
Outside Recess and Temperatures
We use the Child Care Weather watch to guide your decision to send students outside for recess. This guidance considers temperatures and wind-chills. Generally speaking, if the temperature feels like 30 degrees or higher students will go outside for recess. Please send your child with appropriate outdoor clothing.
Future Kindergarteners
If you have a child or know a child that will be entering Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year, please contact Butler’s main office (303) 857-7300. We are offering personalized tours for future families. These tours will allow students and parents to see the building/classrooms, meet staff and ask questions.
Parent Connections with Dr. Rosasco
Join Dr. Rosasco on Wednesday, March 26th from 7:30-8:15am for a light breakfast treat and connection. This is an opportunity to ask questions and gather information on a variety of topics. Child supervision will be offered, as well as interpretation services.
Looking Ahead
Weld Re-8 School Board of Education is currently seeking candidates for a new Superintendent. Please check out the Weld Re-8 webpage for more information.
CMAS testing for all 3rd-5th grade students will be taking place from April 7-25th. More information will be shared in future communications.
We had a great turn out of guest readers for our Read Across America Day! Students enjoyed listening and sharing the love of reading with all who visited and read to classes.
It is a privilege and honor to have your student at Butler Elementary. We look forward to the opportunities we get to teach your students everyday. If at any time you have questions or concerns please reach out to your student’s classroom teacher, the main office or building administrators.